Yes, its come to that. There are two essentials to the life of a mag. azine like TVia - one of them obviously enough is subscribers, the other is something to print in it. The former, subscribers, first: With the depressed economy we have had the last two years the number of people who could afford to buy TVia or, to put it another way, the number of people who could squeeze an additional $5 every two months out of their budget has markedly decreased. In addition to that, the dereliction of duty of my printer who didn't provide anything to sell for about six months in a row last year has markedly cut into the financial status of Chevalier Publications. On top of his not print- ing the magazine as he was supposed to, he also didn't print up the separate stories as they became exhausted and had to be reprinted. Additionally both the Wives book and the How to be a Woman book became exhausted and had to be reprinted. Each of those was about $1200 plus redoing all the other stories. With diminished income it has meant that every dime that came in had three places to go. This is why I have been unable to publish any new separate stories which many old customers are looking for. So things are kind of rough finan- cially but we will slowly pull out of that with new customers ifyou old readers will maintain your support. If as many fall away as come in new there is no net improvement in the situation so it means that old customers have to stick with it and let the new ones take up the slack. So in your own interest if you want TVia to continue, try to per- suade those whom you know who used to buy it to do so again; don't lend your copy, ask the person who wants to borrow it to do her part in helping it stay alive by buying her own or there won't be anything to borrow; as you get a little extra cash and are awaiting the appear- ance of a new issue, buy one or more of the older issues
we have all from No. 60 on except Nos. 65 and 71, and help me liquidate some of the frozen assets so that there will be some capital to work with.
But subscribers is only the first problem. The second one, and in this case an even larger one, is material to go into the magazine. I don't write anything in TVia except the Virgin Views column and such messages to the readers as this one. The rest is supplied by you, the